My only thought is... with control of Congress and the Courts, he can get things through quicker. Private prison stock (something I feel is immoral on every level) is soaring. You know they're already planning the facilities. It wouldn't take much to get them done. It's not like they would need to be humane - and it's also not unheard of for prisoners to be forced to build their own prisons...

BUT... I also see that Buyer's Remorse and can see hobbling him in the 2026 midterms.

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I'm no optimist, but I know government. Let's take the House -- and let's assume the wackos maintain the majority. It won't be by much. Elsie Stefanik is being appointed as UN Ambassador, that's one seat. A few others might get appointments, those seats would end up open, too. To refill them requires a primary election and then a general, so it could take some time. If they keep a 4 seat majority, less one for Elsie....think about the ramifications.

NO WAY the idiots who want government so small it fits in a pocket approve the appropriations necessary for a lot of things. They will have trouble with the next CR, which I assume will be passed in December since the current one runs out on the 20th or 21st (I forget). I anticipate a CR, or a shutdown, because the wackos will want to punt into the next Congress. There is a commitment by the Chaos Caucus to pull back on the dollar amounts Kevin negotiated with Biden. They will NEVER approve a new $88 billion a year for the deportations. I agree with Lawrence O'Donnell -- it's not logistically possible.

10,000 people? Easy. 100,000? Probably -- they'll go for the low-hanging fruit first -- the people with criminal records. Sadly, they might go after the DACA recipients, who will all end up in court. CREW and ACLU are already planning. But their next step will be going to workplaces. Easier than house by house -- and at 100,000, local economies around slaughterhouses and dead animal processing plants are going to be impacted-- crops will be rotting in the fields and you know how I predict the dairy issue.

OH YEAH BUYER'S REMORSE! And I'm actually looking forward to how gobsmacked all those morons will be.

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I think you have a bit more faith in government and the rule of law than I do. When the wannabe dictator pardons all of the January 6th insurrectionists, it will open the floodgates for the Proud Boys, et al, to become his Brownshirts - the paramilitary bastards that were not a part of the actual military or under its control.

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OH NO mon ami -- I have faith in the INABILITY of government to get things done. As for the rule of law the the brownshirts -- I live across the street from an avowed antisemite, and I have NO DOUBT that she'll turn me over the first chance she gets. But until that day, I'll fight for truth and light with every cell of my being.

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Thank you for this. I've had similar thoughts and used those to try to comfort my kids who are really struggling right now. It helps me to hear them from someone else, too.

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So MANY people are struggling. It can’t be said enough that they won the election but that doesn’t mean they’ll get away with everything they want to do. We MUST stand together, support one another, decrease isolation (just hugging other people is so very worthwhile!)

There are also things that we can do to help minimize the damage to come. Tomorrow, my post is all about healthcare because there is a TON that we can do as individuals, and as a group standing together to help keep us as healthy as possible.

PLEASE HUG YOUR KIDS FOR ME! Tell them that there’s a stranger who has no idea where they are, nor even their names — who loves them and is working tirelessly to save America for them, as well as her own kids and grandkids.

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Looking at the numbers. and they are not yet completed for 2024, it occurs to me that the Presidential election results in 2016, 2020 and 2024 resulted from Buyers Remorse following the former 4 year term, amplified in 2016 and 2024 by reluctance of a minority to envision a female President. Given that, I suspect the nation will suffer from Buyers Remorse much earlier this time around.

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I agree wholeheartedly, and have been collecting initial information on this.

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Thank you. I am reminding folks that the candidates that win municipal seats in 2025 will be responsible for the administration (and pensions) of their local police force. Just as important for Democrats, will be holding and winning county sheriff seats.

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