You really do have some of the strangest eating habits of anyone I know! Personally, there is pretty much nothing I won't try at least twice - the second time, because I want to really make sure I don't care for it! But... I'm drawn to food as others are drawn to politics...

But it really does take all types to make the world go round... To quote Stud Muffin's father, Pierre Trudeau, "There is no such thing as a model or ideal Canadian. What could be more absurd than the concept of an all-Canadian boy or girl? A society which emphasizes uniformity is one which creates intolerance and hate."

And I loved the Drag Show experience! One of my sister's good friends is Poison Waters - Kevin Cook in real life - who is Portland's Drag Ambassador. She has taken over from Darcelle XV - Walter Cole - who passed away last year at the age of 92. She is in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest performing Drag Queen. We saw them all many times at Darcelle XV Showplace here in Portland and her Rhinestone Cowboy routine is legendary! https://youtu.be/gH6WftRBAnM?feature=shared

We were at Darcelle's for the Guinness Record for the longest non-stop Drag Show - 48 hours, 11 minutes, and 30 seconds! We were there for hours 46-47! It was great!

November 22, 1963. I was in 6th grade at St Gabriel School in San Francisco. A day I will never forget. It's our generation's December 7. 1941...

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I've been to many drag shows -- and they're spectacular, and the audience energy is terrific. But that first one? I was naive - live and learn. I couldn't stop crying at Ronny's funeral. I had adored him.

As for eating -- I want to point out that you have been to my house, and you've seen with your own eyes that there's all sorts of food that I cook up -- I mean, never pork, but everything else. I love to read menus, and cookbooks and I have a large recipe collection (I know, nowhere near as big as yours.) I like all my guests to eat hearty and enjoy all the selections. Someday I hope to have enough of an immune system to throw another Motown. Let me know if you and Victor plan a trip east, and we'll see what we can synchronize!

While I was ALWAYS prejudiced against foods that couldn't pick a state of being (Jello truly heading that list) and avoiding spices due to having had bleeding ulcers on and off since I was in college....since my primary cancer tumor was in my stomach - I'm even more impossible now.

There are foods/drinks I love that I can't eat anymore because of severe problems (I'll spare you -- the tumor is gone, but it's all very delicate). Like I LOVE a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice. It tastes like the best day of summer. It's cheery. It's yummy. So I'll squeeze my orange (I get a shot glass-ful) and I can only drink it AFTER I've eaten food with fat in it. I do this RARELY -- and it's a real treat. (Never oj from the store!)

While I was undergoing treatment, eating was an ordeal. My main meal (that I could eat, and buy not rent) was 2 Ritz crackers, 2 spoons of organic yogurt, and two sips of ginger ale. I've been able to add foods back since going into remission, but some things really disagree, plus the oncologist makes me eat things I hate (like dead animals in small amounts) to preclude being protein and iron deficient AGAIN. So food is scary! I mostly eat to live -- I wish I lived to eat -- so many good things out there!

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Remarkable how just about this whole country came together for those few days and shortly after returned to its usual bickering state.

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And to this day there are idiots who think the whole thing didn't happen. I'm going to tell you a story, because it mentions JFK, and maybe will make you chuckle on such a somber day.

Back in the 1970's there was a guy named Bob Lind who had a one hit wonder called "Elusive Butterfly" - after he was done with music, he reverted to "Robert Lind" and became the publisher of the Weekly World News. You could find it next to the other tabloids at the supermarket checkout, but they centered on things like "the module we sent to Mars disappeared because the Martians are hiding it in a cave".

So -- Robert was interviewed by the Times, and was asked what made WWN different. He said "Here's the difference, if someone calls you, the old Gray Lady, saying they had dinner with JFK, Elvis and Ari Onassis, you hang up. If they call the National Enquirer, they demand art. If one of our readers calls us with that story, we give them the benefit of the doubt, and publish."

I love you unc.

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Elon is the real threat to democracy and is the pseudo President elect . The orange menace is a useful idiot

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I cannot argue with that!!! BTW -- we have row officer elections for 4 positions in 2025, and I'm managing the campaign for one of the candidates. I don't want to announce yet who, publicly, but will on 1 December after all the applications are in to CCDC. I am hoping that I can count on your help!

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Enjoyed the Friday Potpourri while singing an old song: 'Yes, we have no Bananas; We have no Bananas today!"

But Nov. 22 brings back a very sad memory for me and so many others of my generation. I believe it was on Nov. 22, 1963 that we were all shook with the news of Pres. John F. Kennedy's assassination in Texas and the whole country seemed to stand still for days.


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Yes. I had forgotten that today was the 22nd. Sometimes the dates escape me....but I remember that day. I was in Mrs. Kelly's second grade class and she was reading us "The House on Mulberry Street" when someone walked in, whispered to her, and I saw she had tears. Mrs. Kelly said that we should all go home.

I remember the streets being empty. Just kids walking home, as if the rest of the world had stopped.

At home, my mother and Miss Lassie were at the TV, and they were crying, and I didn't understand. Joel was playing on the floor with some trucks. Oblivious as he should have been, since he was barely four.

Years later, I met a guy (we were seated alphabetically) and he was the same age as me, and we even shared the same birthday. He was from NC - rabidly right wing - but he pointed out that for our generation, that was the first multi-day memory we had, and how we all knew the same images. When someone said "John John saluting" or "Jackie's blood stained pink suit" or "Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald" -- we ALL carried the exact same images burned in our brains.

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