There’s worse stuff happening with people who are trans who are also in prison -lmedical detransitioning and transfer. Very likely “cruel and unusual”. Also Rubio has stopped passport application processing for anyone who has marked the X box (introduced in 2022) instead of M or F.

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I wrote about the gender thing a few days ago https://docjessdcw.substack.com/p/the-200-executive-orders. And yes, the prison stuff is terrible

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I am a gay man, I have a gay sister, a transgender nephew, a gay nephew, a lesbian great-niece... We have Native-American, African-American, Asian, Filipino, Middle-Eastern, Mexican, Eastern and Western Europeans in our family.

And we trace our family roots on my mother's side to 1638 Connecticut and 1750 in Pennsylvania on my father's. My family fought in the Revolutionary War, Civil War, both World Wars, Viet Nam, Korea, and Afghanistan.

By lineage, alone, I am more "American" than any of these "America First" cretins - but it is me and my family who are under attack because, while exhibiting the true qualities of the American Dream and the American Melting Pot, we're not white enough or straight enough.

Amusingly, VPN use spiked in Utah, Louisiana, and Mississippi after the states passed stricter age verification laws on Pornhub and Pornhub Gay. They obviously doth protest too much.

And, I totally agree with you about "I don't care". I don't either. What I DO dislike intensely is when people say they "don't see color". That, in my not so humble opinion is extremely demeaning and completely erases a person's identity and is the ultimate white privilege.

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I didn't know your whole lineage. Nice to hear about the porn. I'm dedicating the upcoming Friday Potpourri to penis and penis-adjacent items.

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That should be fun!

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And who will care and speak for the Congressional Representatives who dared to stand in the way of Fuehrer Trump's destruction of the Federal Government?

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I actually have an action item on this that I'm going to post tomorrow -- it's up to all of us to hold them accountable!

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As the mom of a transgender man, I thank you for this post. I want to add that the poem is not exactly correct. In 1933, when he became chancellor, Hitler’s first act was to destroy the "Institut für Sexualwissenschaft" (Institute for Sexual Science), founded by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin. The Nazi regime shut it down and destroyed its research due to its focus on sexuality and gender identity, which directly contradicted their ideology.

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It's funny -- not funny ha ha but funny peculiar -- I had always thought that they came first for the gays, and second for the gypsies, both "under the radar", and THEN they came for the Communists and the Socialists. I had "thought" that from the time I was a kid and heard stories from survivors. But I couldn't source it, so I went with the poem.

You and your family were, amoungst others, in my heart when I wrote the post.

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You should read “And The Violins Stopped Playing”-based on a first person contemporaraneous (written in hiding after an escape) account of the Nazis’ incarceration and murder of gypsies. It’s not a well known story.

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I actually can't. In the same way that I bought 4 tickets to Schindler's List, and never went into the theater. There are things that are so unsettling to me I cannot read them.

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I understand completely.

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What’s the order now that they will come for? Trans, immigrants, Muslims, atheists, minorities, women, Democrats ...?

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They came already for both immigrants and trans people. I see Muslims up in about 50 days at the outer limit due to the rejiggering of the "Muslim Ban" from 2017. It's different now, and some of it might skirt the courts. Albeit, part of that will be going after students, so that's another group. You might consider that the DEI rollback impacts EVERYONE who isn't a cis white guy. but for reasons both legal and logistic, they'll be having their problems.

My question is when will they implement the Insurrection Act from the 1700's, which will eviscerate Posse Comitatus? At that point, it's a sea change.

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