Some in the press are starting to talk about the Convicted Felon’s loss of mental faculties, and his descent into dementia. They won’t actually question him in the next two weeks, so it will stay off the radar of much of the minions, as well as the unenthusiastic and undecided voters, but WE certainly know about it.
VERY sadly, many of us, perhaps most of us, have watched someone we love lose their faculties. It is painful. My mother had a brain tumor that was successfully treated, but the treatment left her in a condition where she floated in and out of current time and the past. In 2018, she asked me to take her to buy a pair of pajamas for dad. When we got to the parking lot, I ran around to open her door and help her out of the car. She started screaming at me about how I obviously thought she was incapable, and how dare I. She then went into a tirade about what FDR was doing that week relative to the war (that’s WW2), and finally said that I was grounded and wouldn’t be allowed to go to the prom. When she calmed down, I helped her out of the car, and helped her to the store (she was very unsteady) and by the time we were entering the building, she was back, and happily talking about what kind of pajamas we should buy. People in descent go in and out.
I see a lot of that in the Convicted Felon. (I watch his speeches so you don’t have to. You’re welcome.) I understand why he spent more than half an hour playing music. While refereed journal articles have different outcomes in clinical trials, much anecdotal information indicates that music can soothe patients, and decrease their anxiety. More information here. The medical emergencies in the audience were likely disconcerting to him, and he temporarily had the presence of mind to know that music would help.
In addition to being an adjudicated rapist, thief, liar, convicted felon, leader of an insurrection and a cult, etc. etc. etc., and being one of the worst people to ever roam the planet, he is also a patient, and we need to explore that.
In general, when people are “a patient”, the people who love them endeavor to do things to be helpful. Even in a case like his, where his relationships are more transactional than based on love, you would think that those around him would endeavor to be helpful.
Since he has not released his medical records, we don’t know if those around him have gotten him on Galantamine, Rivastigmine, or Donepezil (the current Alzheimer’s drugs) or even if he has been tested to determine what kind of dementia he has. My suspicion about his “exhaustion” is less about being tired, and more about being a symptom of his failing mental state. It’s an illness, and illness makes you tired.
Overall, though, I have a theory: I think the people around him are very happy that he’s so ill. I believe they have plans.
I believe that his sons believe that they could "inherit” his “star power” and lead the MAGA party if he were declared incapacitated. I believe that his wife and daughters would be happy if they didn’t have to interact with him.
I believe that JD, if they were to win, would begin to invoke the 25th Amendment within 5 minutes of the election being called. I have no doubt that he has already written out a plan. (And no, he wouldn’t have to wait for a cabinet to be installed, he could leverage Congress, if they win the House and Senate, too.)
They could implement the 25th on the 20th of January, and just think what comes out of that. First, they would implement Project 2025. They don’t need the Convicted Felon to do that, the plan stands on its own. It’s actually EASIER to implement if the Convicted Felon isn’t president, since there’s no telling what he’d do, as impaired as he is. Then, they would get Alito, Thomas and Roberts to resign so they could have new, young, judges who would ruin what’s left of the Judiciary. Finally, they’d cause a worldwide trade war, plunging the world into a Depression that would make 1929 look like a minor hiccup.
And the Convicted Felon? They likely wouldn’t let him go to jail. Instead, they would create a fake White House (only a few rooms) on one of the properties, tell him he was still president, visit him on a regular basis, and show fake TV news programs. He won’t know the difference.
And so - GET OUT AND WORK. GO GET A VOTER! We can certainly win this, we really can. If we work, we win.
Yeppers... Mr Not His Real Name as the most manipulated Puppet President in US History - surpassing even GWB. It really is a frightening thought. And it is probably the driving force in getting the Convicted Felon/Rapist elected.
Fortunately, we won't have to deal with it because the bastard is going to lose. Bigly.
My own mother died with/of Dementia. It was rough watching the spiral down. She finally had to go into a care facility because my father just couldn't care for her at home, anymore. One of my last conversations with her, she was planning her wedding to some guy named Bill - while sending hate dagger looks to my father who was standing mere feet away.
It was sad...
You do have quite an imagination, drawing a Hollywood script from TV observations. It's a horror movie and, hopefully, not a reality.