Yeppers... Mr Not His Real Name as the most manipulated Puppet President in US History - surpassing even GWB. It really is a frightening thought. And it is probably the driving force in getting the Convicted Felon/Rapist elected.

Fortunately, we won't have to deal with it because the bastard is going to lose. Bigly.

My own mother died with/of Dementia. It was rough watching the spiral down. She finally had to go into a care facility because my father just couldn't care for her at home, anymore. One of my last conversations with her, she was planning her wedding to some guy named Bill - while sending hate dagger looks to my father who was standing mere feet away.

It was sad...

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I am so sorry about what you, your dad and your whole family went through with your mom's illness. It is such a painful thing to go through --

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You do have quite an imagination, drawing a Hollywood script from TV observations. It's a horror movie and, hopefully, not a reality.

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I don't think it's a Hollywood script -- I think it's an absolute possibility if the side of darkness wins. It will NOT be a reality when we win.

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