Yes, everyone needs a hobby - and, no, they don't need to monetize it! I have the TJRecipe website that is - and always will be - ad and click-bait free. I pay for the domain and the hosting out of my meager retirement and do so because I love doing it.
I love Heather Cox Richardson BECAUSE she writes long posts and describes and explains. I WANT information - not sound bites. What a concept...
And I remember the DCW well... and email limitations...
I love your recipe site! I have printed recipes from it that I mean to try. Most things look SO VERY GOOD!! (Especially the baked goods!) I especially want to make the chocolate cherry pound cake, but have never successfully creamed butter. Sigh. AND YES I'VE WATCHED THE VIDEOS and Tim has a KitchenAid mixer.
Thank you for remembering DCW - it was such a great thing to work on. The world was so different then. It's hard to pick a favourite thing about it. But I think the winner would be when we wrote about a guy who was running for Congress in (it was either Missouri or Arkansas) as a "Christian conservative with family values". He had previously lived in Alaska -- and we had pictures of him from his former life that were, shall we say, inappropriate for someone espousing "Christian conservative with family values." He sued us for defamation.
We sent our photographs (which we hadn't published) to his lawyers and said we'd be glad to publish so they REALLY had something to sue us over. They dropped the suit, and he dropped out of the race.
Yes, everyone needs a hobby - and, no, they don't need to monetize it! I have the TJRecipe website that is - and always will be - ad and click-bait free. I pay for the domain and the hosting out of my meager retirement and do so because I love doing it.
I love Heather Cox Richardson BECAUSE she writes long posts and describes and explains. I WANT information - not sound bites. What a concept...
And I remember the DCW well... and email limitations...
Keep up the good fight!
I love your recipe site! I have printed recipes from it that I mean to try. Most things look SO VERY GOOD!! (Especially the baked goods!) I especially want to make the chocolate cherry pound cake, but have never successfully creamed butter. Sigh. AND YES I'VE WATCHED THE VIDEOS and Tim has a KitchenAid mixer.
Thank you for remembering DCW - it was such a great thing to work on. The world was so different then. It's hard to pick a favourite thing about it. But I think the winner would be when we wrote about a guy who was running for Congress in (it was either Missouri or Arkansas) as a "Christian conservative with family values". He had previously lived in Alaska -- and we had pictures of him from his former life that were, shall we say, inappropriate for someone espousing "Christian conservative with family values." He sued us for defamation.
We sent our photographs (which we hadn't published) to his lawyers and said we'd be glad to publish so they REALLY had something to sue us over. They dropped the suit, and he dropped out of the race.
I will keep up the good fight.
Yeah... remember when being a complete scumbag was bad? I mean, Nixon resigned over a mere attempted coverup of a third-rate break-in. Piker...