I’ve been waiting for the tariffs, since they were supposed to be a Day One thing. As crazy as this sounds, I am in favour of the tariffs because it is the ONE THING that will get his idiot minions’ attention.
Do I realize that trade wars are a disaster? Yes. Do I understand that tariffs will impact each and every one of us who is not a member of the 1%? Sure.
This is the perfect opportunity for our side to send a clear message to every MAGA-head out there. Along with every elected Democrat who has so far refused to STAND UP. Special shout out to Ken Martin, newly elected chair of the DNC: let’s start here. We need to say:
While we all HATE using his name, in this case, and for the Action Items, we need to tie this directly to him. Yes, I hate using his name, also.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming:
We need to say that constantly, and to everyone. Call tariffs what they are: A TAX. From the regime that said they’d cut taxes. From the guy who said he’d bring down prices. We need to say it constantly; in everything we say and write. Here are some Action Items:
When you are at a store, say to the checker, loudly enough so the people on line can hear it:
These tomatoes are so expensive because of the Trump National Sales Tax.
I wish I could have bought avocados for guac for the Super Bowl but they’re too expensive because of the Trump National Sales Tax.
I think you get the idea.
If you are on TikTok or Instagram or any of the other social media channels where people show videos, make a video of yourself holding up something and explaining that it’s now X amount more expensive because of the Trump National Sales Tax. Post a picture of the cellphone or the car or other large item that you cannot buy because it’s now out of reach due to the Trump National Sales Tax.
Make sure you mention the Trump National Sales Tax in all your conversations with your MAGA relatives and neighbors (I assume you have no MAGA friends). When they complain about prices increasing, smile and say, “you voted for the Trump National Sales Tax, I didn’t”. If you need help explaining this to MAGA-heads, here’s all the drill down information you need.
Democrats suck at messaging: we explain too much, and expect too much of our audiences. Here is one short, easy, message we can drill into people. Everywhere we go, in everything we do. At the grocery, the gas station, the local pub. EVERYWHERE.
Next, let’s tell our elected officials to NEVER use the word “tariff” and ONLY use the phrase “Trump National Sales Tax”.
To make this easy for you, I have created a Resistbot petition. It says:
Instead of saying “tariffs” say “Trump National Sales Tax”. This is the message we need to send to everyone, everywhere, so that they understand why things cost so much. PLEASE PLACE BLAME WHERE IT BELONGS.
If you have never used Resistbot before, this is the link to my Resistbot petition. If you have Resistbot on your phone, you should be able to text directly.
And let’s not stop there — let’s try and make this go viral. Tell EVERYONE YOU KNOW to spread the same message.
It would be nice if there were a meme about this we could all share on all the social media platforms. My meme skills are even below my baking skills - so if any of you can make a meme, let’s get it out there.
We are all ALWAYS complaining about how badly the Democrats message - here is something we can sell to the masses. PLEASE HELP ME GET THE WORD OUT!!! If you’ve never before shared one of my posts, please let it be this one.
That's the kind of leadership we need here in Florida and all over the U.S,
While we are at it, aren't there Civil Service laws that require due process protections for federal employees facing discharge? I am unaware of any lawsuits challenging any of Der Mamzer's EO demanded discharges.
I’m lying in bed under mound of blankets & comforter because it’s still so cold, marveling at the ‘normalness’ of what I see and hear around me. All my stuff is still here. The furnace is humming because PECO is still functioning and restored our power from whatever happened in the night. Sounds & smells of hub fixing his breakfast downstairs. But all hell has broken loose quite literally and the fire breath & toxic drool of the chaos monster is consuming all to which it turns its ugly head. 100 miles away. We go on as if all is okay because it hasn’t yet reached this far. I’ve marched in Washington and elsewhere numerous times, protesting war, war, pipelines, and more. I stick closer to home now. This is frustrating the heck out of me. I will continue to be grit in the gears where I can, but I confess to being apocalyptically afraid.