Back when there was blogging, I was a political blogger. When I started (by sending daily emails) back in 2006, people cared about facts, and were willing to read actual analyses.
Now, it seems if things don’t fit in a sentence, it’s too long to read. Even a video over 30 seconds is trying for too many.
But perhaps there is still an audience for thoughtful writing, and potentially even comments that lead to interactions on various topics. And so, here I am.
I hear a lot of angst from many people nowadays. It ranges from abject terror related to the potential of a second Trump term, through incomprehensible bewilderment about people who would suffer the most under Trump, but who are diehard supporters, and finally to a debilitating sense of impotency to change things.
But there is a lot that people, as individuals, can do to help preclude disaster.
Elections are won house by house, person by person, block by block.
That’s my mantra, and it has always proven true. The issue is getting enough people ready, willing and able to do the work. In future posts, I’ll be writing about what YOU can do to help save democracy and vanquish Republicans from elected office (by reaching out and voting, NEVER by violence. And including voter engagements you might not have thought of - like deli counter chants.) Some of these things are so simple and easy that you’ll be surprised you’re not doing them already. And yes, some of them are real work.
In addition, I’m planning a post on why you shouldn’t trust the polls, as presented in the media, and possibly not at all.
Other political topics I’m considering include, but are certainly not limited to:
Cognitive dissonance
Voter Interaction Stories
How much worse a Trump 2.0 economy would be for the middle class
In addition, I transcribe conversations between my dogs Fiona (age 13 and perfect) and Alex (age 2 and a piece of work) so maybe a few of them.
If there is a topic in which you’re interested - local politics, pandemics, where to buy door handle mittens, whatever — just leave it in the comments. I aim to please.
Thanks for reading my first Substack. If you like it, I hope you’ll read more and tell your friends!
I'm so glad to be here. ❤️Here is a virtual hug!🫂