Below is the chart of early voting dates this cycle, note that early voting begins IN SEPTEMBER in Illinois, Minnesota, South Dakota and Virginia. Check the notes following the chart for states with variable rules and ESPECIALLY if you vote in Pennsylvania.
For some states, “early voting” is actually where you can go to a polling place and vote. In other places, absentee or mail-in ballots can be procured and either mailed back or dropped at drop-boxes or other locations. In Oregon, all ballots are mailed. This should happen everywhere. But Republicans.
If you submit your absentee ballot request early, you will be among the first to receive your ballot. Printed ballots are sent out to the clerks 30 days prior to Election Day, and they begin to mail them out shortly thereafter. If you submit your request during the 30-day period prior to Election Day, you will likely receive your ballot within 7-10 business days, on average. If you have any concerns about receiving your ballot, contact your municipal clerk directly. Do not submit more than one request for your ballot. Source - State of Maine.
North Dakota:
Some counties allow early voting, some allow for absentee ballots. Dates vary by county. Check for your county here.
Varies by county, and the date ballots are ready also varies by county. You can request a mail-in ballot online or at a county election office. Where and when you can drop off your ballot also varies by county.
Remember that in Pennsylvania the votes were not fully counted until the Saturday after the election in 2020. PA rules say that ballots cannot be opened or processed prior to Election Day, so even without challenges or Republican nonsense, it can take a long time for mail-in ballots because the ballots from Election Day take precedence. Therefore, if you CAN vote in person, bring your unopened mail-in ballot to your local place, surrender it, and fill out and submit your ballot as an Election Day ballot.
Certainly, some people cannot vote in person on Election Day, but if you can, please do so because it means the full Pennsylvania count will occur earlier. And remember, Democrats vote by mail-in ballot at far higher rates than Republicans, and it would be nice to avoid the Convicted Felon appearing to win on Tuesday, and then getting smoked on Saturday.
If you have questions about your state, leave them in the comments. Also, if you live in Oregon, feel free to gloat in the comments (you deserve it!)
If bringing mail-in ballot to vote in-person in PA, it is of utmost importance that you bring the whole, entire, every bit of that mail-in ballot with you to the polls.